Saturday, December 20, 2014

DIY headphone distribution amplifier

Sometime back in 2007 I was in need of a headphone distribution amp. I couldn't find a device for any reasonable price, so I had to make one myself.

The completed headphone amp in 2007

Then I happened to find the PAiA 9206K Headphone Distribution Amp. At the time I couldn't afford to buy it, but I was in luck as PAiA provides schematics for their devices. I love it when companies do that!

So I sourced the parts and built it myself. Now I owe PAiA one! I'll keep them in mind when it's time to start building my modular...

Insides with the op amps and pots soldered. Input and output jacks are still missing.

The schematic is very simple, and you can easily see how to add/remove channels if needed. The PAiA kit has 6 headphone outputs, but I needed only 4.

Use low-noise op amps that work with a supply of +6/-6 volts. Unfortunately I don't remember what op amps I used... They might have been TL072. Using a dual op amp makes for 1 op amp per stereo headphone channel.

The insides completed. Not very pretty wiring, but it works just fine!

Fitting it in, almost ready.

Now only missing some paint...

For the project case I used an old speaker. When painting it I tried to do some stencil work but that failed miserably as you can see...

The device works and is in use to this day. Thanks to PAiA!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Python3 TCP server for Windows 7 remote control

I did a quick and dirty volume remote control for my Win7 PC and decided to share it.

The script opens a TCP server on the machine, and listens for connections. When a client connects, it will react to commands 'U' (volume up), 'D' (volume down) and 'M' (toggle mute).

It works at least with Python 3.4 and it uses NirCmd to set the Windows master volume. I first looked at pywin32 library for the volume control, but I couldn't find any good documentation, so I went the easier route and decided to use NirCmd instead.

It might not be the prettiest solution, but it works for me!

Place the below code into a .py file, for example '' and run it with Python 3.4. Also place nircmd.exe in the same directory.

You can try it out by using PuTTy and connecting to port 5005 with 'Raw' connection type. Then enter M, D, U and your computer's volume will change.

I'm using a Raspberry Pi to control it with netcat. Here's how:

Install netcat if you don't have it:
apt-get update
apt-get install netcat 

Send mute command:
echo -n "M" | nc -q1 5005 
This echoes a M character to the IP address on port 5005, and quits after one second.
Replace the IP address here and in the Python code with your Windows computer's LAN address.

Note that you can remote control almost anything by adding commands to the script.

Here is the code:

 # Python 3 server for Windows 7 remote control   
 # Juho-Eric 11. Dec 2014  
 # You need the following to run this:  
 # Python 3.4  
 # NirCmd  
 # Place nircmd.exe in the same directory as this script.  
 import socket  
 import subprocess  
 #Parameters for TCP server.   
 TCP_IP = ''  
 TCP_PORT = 5005  
 #This code is to hide the command prompt window when running nircmd.exe  
 si = subprocess.STARTUPINFO()  
 si.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW  
 #si.wShowWindow = subprocess.SW_HIDE # default  
 #Create the TCP server socket  
 s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)  
 s.bind((TCP_IP, TCP_PORT))  
 #Main loop, this will loop on each connection  
 while 1:  
   conn, addr = s.accept() #get new connection  
   print('Connection address:', addr)  
   while 1: #This will loop on each command received  
     data = conn.recv(BUFFER_SIZE) #receive data  
     if not data: break #check if connection closed  
     print("received data:", data)  
     if data == b'U':   
       print('volume up')'nircmd.exe changesysvolume 1000', startupinfo=si) #increase volume'nircmd.exe mutesysvolume 0', startupinfo=si) #remove mute  
     elif data == b'D':  
       print('volume down')'nircmd.exe changesysvolume -1000', startupinfo=si) #decrease volume'nircmd.exe mutesysvolume 0', startupinfo=si) #remove mute  
     elif data == b'M':  
       print('mute toggle')'nircmd.exe mutesysvolume 2', startupinfo=si) #toggle mute  
   conn.close() #close the connection  
   print("connection closed")  

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Mesa Boogie F-50 footswitch schematic

I'm repairing a Mesa Boogie F-50 footswitch, and made a schematic of it.

Here it is if anyone needs it.

Schematic of the Mesa F-50 foot pedal

The pedal has three switches: channel, contour and reverb.

The connector is a 5-pin female DIN, similar to MIDI connectors.

Ferrofish B4000+ AND HOW I FUCKED IT UP